Data Umbrella

A community for underrepresented persons in data science.

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Data Umbrella

A community for underrepresented persons in data science.

Contact Info

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Contribute and get involved with Data Umbrella projects

We have a number of initiatives, all open source!

Video Timestamps
Video Timestamps

We are looking for assistance in adding video timestamps for the videos on the YouTube Channel.

Skills needed: Markdown, Git and GitHub.

Contributing Guide

Video Timestamps
Data Umbrella: New website
Data Umbrella: New website

We are looking for contributors for our new website for Data Umbrella.

Skills needed: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, Jekyll, Git and GitHub.

Contributing Guide

Data Umbrella: New website
PyMC Sprint website
PyMC Sprint website

We are looking for contributors to help us in translations (ES & PT) and updating the website for PyMC sprints.

Skills needed: Markdown, Git and GitHub.

Contributing Guide

PyMC Sprint website
Data Umbrella Blog
Data Umbrella Blog

We are making some updates to the format of our blog home page and there are other items on our wish list.

Skills needed: Markdown, Jekyll, Git and GitHub

Contributing Guide

Data Umbrella Blog
Data Events Board
Data Events Board

Data Umbrella is building an event board. Check out our open issues on GitHub to contribute.

Skills needed: React, JavaScript, Django, HTML, CSS or design work

Contributing Guide

Data Events Board